Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sciatica - Chiropractor in Billings Montana

"Sciatica" is a condition caused by compression, irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which is the longest and largest nerve in the human body. The sciatic nerve is made up of five smaller nerve roots which extend from the lower portion of the spine near the pelvis and join together to branch out on both sides of the body traveling down each leg. It then divides into smaller nerves which drape into the thighs, knees, legs and toes.

Individuals suffering from sciatica may experience an assortment of symptoms. It generally manifests as a distracting pain originating in the low back or buttocks, and involves symptoms of numbness, tingling, burning, cramping and an achy soreness which can appear anywhere along the sciatic nerve path. Pain may be constant or intermittent. For some, the pain can be an intense "shooting pain," firing down one or both legs. Others may experience only a dull ache or numbness traveling into the back of the thighs.

Since the roots of the sciatic nerve emanate from the low back, any compromised structure in the low back can impose pressure on these nerve roots. While sciatica is often the result of spinal misalignment or bulging discs, other disorders known to cause sciatic nerve pain include inflammation, degeneration, or spinal canal stenosis, a condition in which the canal housing the spinal cord becomes narrowed.

Sciatica can also occur as a result of faulty postural mechanics - spending excessive time in a seated position in front of the computer or driving, insufficient stretching and exercise, heavy lifting, bending, twisting or inappropriate sleeping patterns. Sciatica has also been linked to a variety of non-mechanical conditions such as arthritis, tumors, vitamin deficiencies and even diabetes.

The good news is that most cases of sciatica can be treated successfully. Because of its diverse causes, treatment for sciatica differs from patient to patient, and varies according to the cause and severity. Sciatica can usually be managed effectively with chiropractic treatment, physical therapy, acupuncture or massage therapy, in addition to modifying activities. The main goal in the treatment of sciatica is to decrease pain, increase mobility and restore normal functioning.

Whatever the cause, it is important to seek treatment swiftly to avoid long-term damage. See your healthcare professional when the pain first begins. Our bodies never stop communicating with us. Listen closely, and revitalize your health. Have a comment? Join the conversation and happy reading!

Monday, July 16, 2012

What is Animal Chiropractic? Animal Chiropractor in Billings Montana

What is Animal Chiropractic?

Hi all! I thought it was time for a reminder about the benefits of animal chiropractic. Animal Chiropractic is a field of animal health care that focuses on the health of the neuro-musculo-skeletal system. Nerves control everything that happens in your animals, and anything affecting the nervous system will resonate throughout the entire body. This can interfere with the performance of the nerves branching off of the spinal cord which transit to the all of the muscles and organs. As this occurs, your animal can lose mobility; resulting in stiffness, tension, pain and even organ dysfunction. Additionally, when normal movement is affected it can impact your animal’s wellbeing and quality of life.
The goal of an animal chiropractor is to restore function and mobility to compromised spinal vertebra in an effort to re-establish neurologic communication. This allows the body to perform at its optimum potential. Animal chiropractors use their hands to identify areas of restriction and apply a precise thrust on the immobile vertebrae in an effort to restore motion and remove nerve interference. When nerves efficiently communicate with all the structures in your animals’ bodies, healing and recovery results.
Animal Chiropractic is not meant to replace traditional veterinary care. It is not an alternative treatment, but rather an integrative method that, when used in conjunction with good traditional veterinary care, will provide years of healthy living. This is the beginning of a contemporary, comprehensive approach to your animal’s healthcare. It is an effective and valuable means of restoring and maintaining strength, vigor and well-being. By exploring and treating the root causes of your animal’s aches, pains and illnesses, you will ensure maximum improvement, top performance and an exceptional quality of life for the animal companions we love. If you have any questions or would like further information on animal chiropractic, contact me anytime! I am a board-certified animal chiropractor in Billings, Montana, and I can be reached at .