Monday, March 26, 2012

Detoxifying Cleanse - Chiropractor Billings Montana

It’s DETOX Time!

Well everyone, it’s that time of year….SPRING! And, as the planet cleanses, it’s also time to think about cleansing our bodies. Though often thought of as depriving the body, a detox is just the opposite…it’s an opportunity to give your body exactly what it needs, free of anything destructive.

Why detox? We live in a world flooded with toxins and pollution, and with the advent of synthetic chemicals in our foods, such as herbicides and pesticides which destroy the microbiotic activity in the soil and diminish the nutrients in our food, impurities and contaminants collect inside our body. The cumulative affect of these toxins adversely impacts the functioning of our biological systems. As a result, our bodies have to work a lot harder to effectively rid waste and congestion. And when we don’t provide our bodies with proper and appropriate nutrition, organ function becomes burdened. Sooo, some form of detoxifying cleanse is a good idea for most of us. Some of the many signs suggesting that it might be a good time for a detoxifying cleanse may include allergies, headaches, poor digestion, depression, irritability, memory loss and even joint pain.

A well-planned and successful detox can provide incredible benefits, including improved immunity, greater energy, clearer skin, weight loss, and greater mental capacity. Additionally, it can promote healthy eating, transform lifestyle dependency and improve the overall functioning of the vital systems of the body! Detoxing and cleansing the body can be simple and straight-forward, however if you are new to this, talk to your health care practitioner to get started. Have a comment? Join the conversation, and happy detoxing!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Skijoring - Chiropractor, Billings Montana

Imagine being dragged on skis around a 900 foot course from a tow- rope attached to a galloping horse at 25 miles an hour. All the while screaming tailgaters cheering you on. Congratulations. You’ve just been indoctrinated into the sport of skijoring. Originally developed in the Scandinavian countries as a form of transportation, skijoring has morphed into a popular western sport. It is an unusual combination of western and Norwegian traditions, often blending teams of ‘old-time western cowboys’ with ‘modish’ skiers, negotiating through an outer snow-covered slalom course with gates and jumps on skies, and an often muddy inner course by the horse. The race is timed. The horse gallops around the inside of the track, pulling the skier who grabs onto a rope. The fastest times go home with the trophy. As a chiropractor, it quickly became difficult not to recognize the absolute necessity of my professional skills, for both the skier and the HORSE! Two horses went down trying to navigate a particularly muddy turn at very high speeds. However, despite the wipe-outs, it was definitely a winter adventure sport unlike any other. The skijoring circuit passes through communities throughout the west, including Wyoming, Colorado and Montana, and Red Lodge Montana hosts the national championships. So, if you’re looking for some winter excitement combining athletic skills with sheer strength, be sure to check out next year’s competition. But chiropractors beware…it’s subluxation city!!! Have a comment? Join the conversation!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Movement - Chiropractor, Billings Montana

Movement is a fundamental aspect of life. Forms of movement have been utilized throughout time for everything from healing to promoting the bounty of the harvest. Movement is more than just ‘exercise’ and does not necessarily require effort, though it does require action. Movement affects everything, from circulation to digestion to metabolism to immunity. With movement, our bodies regulate hormone activity, detoxify and respire. Daily movement promotes chemical changes in the body and stimulates neural pathways which provoke the body’s healing capacity and boosts immunity. Movement is essential for learning, and ignites our cerebral capacity and function. Today’s culture promotes sedentary lifestyles. Computers, cell phones, televisions and transportation all encourage a lack of movement. Activities such as shoveling snow and raking leaves have been replaced with snow blowers and electric lawn equipment. Our bodies are becoming inert, compromising our wellness. So, it’s time to move again. Take a walk. Use the stairs. Ride your bike. Spring is upon us, so get outside, and discover what moves you! Have a comment? Join in!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Importance of Neurologic Exam in Your Animal, Animal Chiropractor, Billings Montana

Animal chiropractors understand the importance of a healthy and functioning nervous system for your pet. We also understand that animals act instinctively for survival, so it’s not uncommon for a dog with neurological problems to present with multiple behavioral, cognitive and gait abnormalities. Subtle neurologic problems may be masked by musculoskeletal challenges, and often present as some form of lameness. For example, a quadriceps injury in your dog can adversely affect the femoral nerve, resulting in an inability to bear weight on the affected limb. An injury to the radial nerve can manifest in different ways. A proximal injury may cause your dog to have difficulty when weight-bearing, however a distal injury may result in ‘paw flipping’. Radial nerve injuries are common in dogs that have been hit by a car or those that have suffered other trauma. Neurologic exams can be done quickly and efficiently, and can provide critical information regarding the health of your pet. If you suspect your dog has experienced a nerve injury, talk with your vet or animal chiropractor right away. Have a comment? Join in!