Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pronation and Back Pain - Chiropractor in Billings Montana

Did you know that your back pain may be coming from your feet? That’s right, your FEET. There’s a direct relationship between structural balance and neurological function. Structural stress produces muscle imbalances, and this begins at the foundation…your feet. When you walk, your spine is supported by one leg at a time. Different surfaces affect the forces that are imposed on your leg and body, and every biomechanical imbalance is transmitted to the spine. Let’s look at the foot: There are 26 bones in each foot. There are also three arches; a medial or inner arch, a lateral or outer arch, and an arch that runs transversely under the metatarsals (just below the toes). The function of the arches is to absorb shock, support your weight, and propel the body during movement. When you stand, half of your weight should be distributed over the heel, and the other half over the ball of the foot and the toes. When you walk, the movement patterns you adopt during gait cycle can affect the leg, pelvis, spine and skull! Pronation (inward rolling of the foot) is a normal occurrence during foot ‘flat’ and is necessary for proper foot biomechanics. As we age, the ligaments and tendons supporting the foot weaken, and this causes the inner arch to drift inward. When you start to ‘over-pronate’, this results in internal rotation of your legs, pelvic tilt, postural compensation, shoulder rounding and forward head carriage. Over pronation also results in excessive shock transmission and pelvic unlevelling. This will affect your gait, your posture, and can result in significant back and neck pain! Improper stance and gait can prematurely wear down the knee and hip joints, as well as the spine itself. Some other consequences of over-pronation include leg pain, hip pain, plantar fasciitis, achilles’ tendonitis and even bunions. So don’t underestimate the power of your feet. If you think your pain may be associated with your feet, don’t delay. See your health care practitioner. Help is available! Have a comment? Join in.


  1. Spinal Decompression Therapy, first approved by the FDA in 2001, has since evolved into a cost-effective treatment for herniated and degenerative spinal discs, and spinal stenosis; one of the major causes of back pain and neck pain. perimeter spine and rehab reviews

  2. Nice post! The main focus of chiropractic medicine and therapy is the relationship between the skeleton to the nervous system which runs through it. Chiropractic care is intended not only for the spine but also for the care and rehabilitation of the whole body as well.Thanks.
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