Monday, September 17, 2012

Autumnal Detox! Animal Chiropractor in Billings Montana

It’s DETOX Time!

Well everyone, it’s that time of year….Fall! And, as the planet cleanses, it’s also time to think about cleansing our bodies. Though often thought of as depriving the body, a detox is just the opposite…it’s an opportunity to give your body exactly what it needs, free of anything destructive.

Why detox? We live in a world flooded with toxins and pollution, and with the advent of synthetic chemicals in our foods, such as herbicides and pesticides which destroy the microbiotic activity in the soil and diminish the nutrients in our food, impurities and contaminants collect inside our body. The cumulative affect of these toxins adversely impacts the functioning of our biological systems. As a result, our bodies have to work a lot harder to effectively rid waste and congestion. And when we don’t provide our bodies with proper and appropriate nutrition, organ function becomes burdened. Sooo, some form of detoxifying cleanse is a good idea for most of us. Some of the many signs suggesting that it might be a good time for a detoxifying cleanse may include allergies, headaches, poor digestion, depression, irritability, memory loss and even joint pain.

A well-planned and successful detox can provide incredible benefits, including improved immunity, greater energy, clearer skin, weight loss, and greater mental capacity. Additionally, it can promote healthy eating, transform lifestyle dependency and improve the overall functioning of the vital systems of the body! Detoxing and cleansing the body can be simple and straight-forward, however if you are new to this, talk to your health care practitioner to get started. Have a comment? Join the conversation, and happy detoxing!

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