Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Subluxation and Animal Chiropractic - Animal Chiropractic in Billings Montana

Hi everyone! Well, it's been an exciting month and I've been busy. I've been in Chicago for neurology training, Wyoming for kinesiotape training, Seattle for the Independent Regional CWCCA Specialty Show, and then to Kansas at Options For Animals College of Animal Chiropractic. The importance of continually developing further training and expertise is something I hope I never lose sight of. But today, I thought I'd return to basics, and remind everyone of the foundation of chiropractic care, and how chiropractic affects a higher order of science than solely the biomechanical.

A ‘vertebral subluxation’ refers to a loss of normal positioning of the bones of the spine. When this happens, simultaneous neurologic, mechanical, biochemical and physiologic changes occur throughout the spine and body, and combine to contribute to what chiropractors refer to as the ‘Vertebral Subluxation Complex’. A ‘VSC’ in the spine can result in muscle spasms, nerve irritation, inflammation, adhesions, and of course, pain. This can cause your animal to compensate. Pain behaviors in your animal will depend on the severity and duration of compromise, however common observable changes in the dog may include stiff motion, non-weight-bearing, reluctance to rise, agitation, ‘puppy-sitting’, whimpering and changes in appetite. Equine pain behaviors may include changes in gait, reluctance to move or be handled, flared nostrils, muscle tremors and ear-pinning. Chiropractic care can help restore function and mobility and improve muscle tone. It frees the nervous system to communicate fully with the imune system, allowing for increased vitality and health. Additionally, chiropractic treatment helps to break down adhesive tissue and assists the nervous system in coordinating the body’s ability to heal and regulate itself, thus helping the body perform at its highest potential. So if you're noticing any changes in behavior in your animal, don't delay. Help is available! Have a comment? Join the conversation!

1 comment:

  1. Such an Insightful article! So many thanks for sharing. Animal chiropractors diagnose and treat vertebral subluxation complexes as well as subluxation complexes of the extremities.
    Shannon chiropractic office, Wyckoff, NJ 07481
