Thursday, May 2, 2013

Stress and Your Pet! Pat Holl, Dog Chiropractor Horse Chiropractor Billings Montana 59102

Stress. We all know it, most of us are ‘under’ it, and we all want to get rid of it. But did you know that your pet can also be significantly affected by stress? Animal stressors can result from many things, such as poor diet, inactivity, loneliness, illness, injury and even genetics. Left unmanaged, prolonged stress can lead to increased heart rate, changes in sleeping patterns and even anxiety. Chronic stress can cause the body's systems to breakdown and malfunction, resulting in increased blood pressure, poor digestion,  and can instigate skin reactions. A more noticeable affect of stress in your pet's life is weight gain or loss. Stress can disrupt the nervous system and cause neurotransmitter imbalances, which can lead to loss of energy and fatigue. And, as with humans, our pets can become depressed. If your pet is showing signs of stress, there are positive ways to deal with it. Remember to provide healthy food regularly. Be sure to have lots of CLEAN water available to help flush toxins through the body and to help reduce the risk of disease and infection. Exercise your pet regularly, as movement enhances blood flow to the brain, promotes the flow of body fluids and improves metabolism, not to mention that exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight. Be sure your horse has company in their pasture, and that your cat's litter box is cleaned regularly. If your pet is a ‘nervous’ critter, talk to your vet and discuss supplementing their diet with natural calming remedies. And just as humans crave love and affection, provide plenty of that, for love just may be the secret to optimal health. Stress occurs more commonly in our animals than we may think, but it can be managed. Have thoughts on the subject? Post a comment and join the conversation!

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