Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chiropractic Maintenance and Preventative Care - Pat Holl Animal Chiropractor Billings Montana Equine Canine Chiropractic

Hi guys. Been busy these days, but thought I'd send out a reminder on the benefits of preventative care and consistent chiropractic maintenance.  You know that regular chiropractic management can not only help the body heal, but also facilitates a healthier, stronger and more resilient patient. Well here are some other benefits to think about: chiropractic care can increase circulation and help eliminate lactic acid. It increases delivery of oxygen and nutrient supply, helps reduce muscle spasms and adhesions, increases flexibility and can improve overall health. Additionally, chiropractic care can address the micro injuries resulting from everyday stress, assisting recovery and enhancing overall quality of life. And what goes for us, goes for our pets. So, a little maintenance and prevention can make a big difference, and regular chiropractic care can markedly improve your life! Have a comment? Join the conversation!


  1. Great advise...I was just thinking about the same ideas as I was running last week. Animals can't tell us about the little nagging issues, but their attitude and behavior speaks loud and clear! Chiropractic works the best as preventative rather that crisis care!

  2. These are some great tools that i definitely use for SEO work. This is a great list to use in the future.. Massage ball for pain relief
